
LUSIS was developed according to a paradigm of multidisciplinarity, supported by the experience of professionals from many different areas.

With a team specialized in its areas of intervention, from the most technical areas (eg Engineering) to the pedagogical and behavioral sciences (eg Education and Psychology), through Law and Finance, we seek the application of the skills and knowledge of our development specialists of our projects, with a view to the continuous improvement of the Organization.

This commitment to an eclectic and highly qualified professional structure, complemented by the participation and contribution of specialized researchers and consultants, allows us to approach the ongoing projects in various ways, with different visions and according to their purposes, following the operational standards of excellence that all our interventions.

In the field of human capital investment, LUSIS is committed to the development and retention of professionals who add value to the Organization.

By investing in training, satisfaction, development and management of the performance of its Employees, LUSIS seeks to maintain a motivated structure with a clear notion of the objectives by project, contributing actively and decisively to the achievement of the general objectives of the Organization.

Com 30 anos de experiência, tecnologias de ponta, metodologias de vanguarda e profissionais de classe mundial, a Lusis desenvolve e implementa projetos "chave na mão" integrados de grande escala, que dão resposta aos desafios do sector público e privado: Habitação e Construção, Agricultura e Agroindústria, Ensino e Formação Profissional, Saúde, Telecomunicações e TI, Sistema de Informação Geográfica, Energia, Promover o Empreendedorismo Feminino, Água, Pesca.

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